+436703534953 Book Online


How much does the transfer from Korneuburg to Vienna Airport cost?

The transfer from Korneuburg to Vienna Airport costs €57, plus a parking fee of €2.90.

What happens if my flight is delayed?

Our driver will wait accordingly by monitoring your flight number and adjust your pickup time.

Can I cancel or change a booking?

Yes, you can cancel or change your booking. Please contact us at least 4 hours before the scheduled pickup to make changes or cancel the booking.

What payment methods can I use to pay in a taxi?

  • Cash
  • Debit card
  • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard)

Note: Please inform us in advance if you wish to pay by card to ensure the availability of a card reader.

Can I book an airport taxi to/from Korneuburg for 6 or 7 people?

Yes, our minibus can accommodate up to 8 passengers.

If no minibus is available, we will send two vehicles at the same price as the minibus. This way, we ensure that your entire group travels comfortably and at no additional cost.

How can I book an airport taxi?

You can book directly through our hotline at +436703534953 (also available via WhatsApp ) or by email at office@taxi4me.at . Alternatively, you can use our online booking form on our website. Please note that bookings made within 12 hours must be processed via the hotline or WhatsApp.

What is the allowed luggage capacity?

  • 1–4 Passengers

    • Vehicle: Standard
    • Luggage Capacity: 3 large suitcases + carry-on luggage
  • 1–8 Passengers

    • Vehicle: Van
    • Luggage Capacity: 6 large suitcases + carry-on luggage

*​The customer must arrive at the agreed meeting point at the airport within 45 minutes of landing. Flight delays are not considered waiting time. After a waiting time of 45 minutes post-landing, a flat fee of €10 will be charged for every additional 15 minutes